EgyGo ترعى المؤتمر العلمى الثانى لحمایة الاطفال من مخاطر شبكة الانترنت
یناقش المؤتمر العدید من الموضوعات الحالة و الملحة الخاصة بشبكة الانترنت و الاخطار التى تھدد الاطفال من جراء استخدام الشبكة العنكبوتیة و طرق الوقایة منھا. یحاضر بالمؤتمر نخبة من المتخصصین و الاكادیمین من القطاع الحكومى و الخاص.
Founded in 2006, the International Association of Cybercrime Prevention is a non-profit organisation of IT experts, scholars, academics, consultants and lawyers who are accredited by having completed higher professional degrees in Cyber Law, Cybercrime and IT.
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Nile Garden School was opened in 1998. It's located in a green area. They have all stages, KG, primary, Prep and secondary. Their concept is always going above and beyond to offer the highest level of education to their students and they are now very proud to announce that they are offering advanced education for their students.
Super-A has been launched. Super-A is one of the biggest companies in Egypt which deals with all kinds of yarns and textiles and it works in all kinds of food under the name of supermarket FEKRA ,Super-A is also working in importing ,exporting and trading in different products and goods in different fields.
Dear Guest 2009 style has been launched! Dear Guest is an Egyptian lifestyle magazine which has clearly and rapidly found its way to be one of Egypt's best Egyptian English magazines in the market. The project included a complete new design using top of the line technologies and the integration of Ajax applications into our CMS
M3webz gets an award!
M3webz Dot Com (EgyGo's sister company) was awarded an appreciation award from the Dear Guest Festival 2008 that was held on January 30th 2009. The appreciation award was given to M3webz team for their outstanding effort in the successful management of Dear Guest group's three websites that were designed by EgyGo Dot Net. M3webz's staff attended the ceremony that was held in Intercontinental Semiramis. In the picture you see EgyGo's chairman Mr. Andoni Al-Khoury receiving the award.